Practical Steps

Take it a day at a time. On very rough days, take it an hour at a time or even a few minutes at a time.

When you are overcome with grief and despair, first try and Pray. Cry in sujood (prostration). Make lots of dua (prayers). Then, change your environment. Go for a walk. Or ask a close, trusted family or friend to come and spend time with you.

Take care of yourself. Sleep. Eat. Your body and mind need rest.

Focus on your blessings. Even in the worst moments when the mind rebels and cannot think of anything, come back to basics. Think of your sight and your hearing and your last meal and the bed you sleep in. Start counting the blessings and saying Alhumdulillah (Praise for & Gratitude to God) to refocus your mind.

Find a counselor who you can speak with. Ask your masjid for a referral. Ask friends. Contact Children of Jannah. There are many trained Muslim counselors who can help you in dealing with the difficult emotions that need to be worked through.

Join a support group for parents who have lost a child. This can be a physical support group or even an online one. You may find it reassuring to hear that you are not alone.

Do not isolate yourself even though all you may want is to be left alone. Ask your trusted friends to check in on you every day or every couple of days. Make an effort to be around compassionate, kind, positive people. The company you keep is very important when you are at your most vulnerable.

Recognize that your family is also hurting and are grieving in their own way and at their own pace. Talk to them. Hug them. Spend time with them.

If you are able, find productive activities to engage your body and mind. Perhaps you can return to work, even if its part time. You could volunteer your time or skills at a school or mosque or community center.

Keep a journal. Write to your child. Tell them how much you miss them and what you wish you could be doing with them right now. You can pour out your regrets to them. Talk to them. It will help you  to express your thoughts to your child on paper.

Be careful where you seek religious guidance from. Find credible sources. Do not rely on information you get from internet searches. Misinformation can cause you unnecessary emotional pain. You will need solid guidance on this existential spiritual journey.