Prayer & Dua

Let anyone who trusts, trust in God (Surah Ibrahim 14:12)

..those who have faith and whose hearts find peace in the remembrance of God- truly it is in the remembrance of God that hearts find peace- (Surah Ar-Rad 13:28)

You will find no greater comfort than with Allah SWT. I was not a deeply religious or spiritual person before I lost my daughter. I used to perform the obligatory acts to my best ability but with no sense of a true connection to Allah. When I lost my daughter, I did not expect to find comfort in prayer. I prayed because it was the only thing I could do, I had nowhere else to turn to. SubhanAllah (Glory to God), it was the only thing that saved me in my darkest days. I would break down in salat (daily prayer). I would pour my heart out with tears in sujood (prostration). Every time I felt I was being crushed with despair, whenever a wave of panic would threaten to overcome me, when I felt I would die with the need to hold my daughter again, I would run to my prayer mat with desperation. I would pray and cry. Allah comforted me every time. Each time I would rise from my prayer with my heart soothed at least a little, with a sense that I had confided in my Rabb (Lord) and He had listened and He was taking care of me and helping me.

Call on Allah with His Beautiful Names and He will answer you in ways you can not envision.

He is Al-Waliy (The Friend, Patron & Helper). Cry to him in sujood.

He is As-Samee (The All-Hearing), Al-Baseer (The All-Seeing), Al-Aleem (The All-Knowing), Al-Khabeer( The All-Aware). He knows the pain in your heart. Cry for Him to ease it.

He is As-Salam (Source of Peace and Safety), Beg Him to send peace to your heart.

He is Al-Wudud (The Loving), Ar-Rauf (The Kind), ask Him to take care of your broken heart.

He is As-Sabur (The Patient), As-Shakoor (The Most Appreciative), ask him to give you sabr and make you grateful for His blessings and to help you to pass this test of His in a way that will please Him.

He is Ar-Rahman (The Most Compassionate), Ar-Rahim (The Most Merciful), plead with Him to bestow His Mercy and Love on you and to ease the hardship of this trial for you.

He is Al-Hakim (The Wise). Cry to Him that you trust His Wisdom in this plan for you and to help you understand and accept it.

He is An-Nur (The Light), Al-Fattah (The Opener) ask Him to illuminate this darkness and open a path for you that is best for you.

He is Al-Wahhab (The Bestower), Al-Karim (The Bountiful). Ask Him to bless you with healthy children and/or make your existing children a “qurrat a’yun” (coolness of your eyes).

He is Al-Aziz (The Almighty), Al-Jabbar(The Irresistible), Al-Mutakabbir (The Majestic), Malik-ul-Mulk (The Owner of all Sovereignty), beg Him to reunite you and your family with your child in jannat-firdaus (highest  paradise).

He is Al-Mujib (The Responsive), Dhul-Jalali-Wal-Ikram (The Lord of Majesty and Generosity).Pray and He will answer your prayers.

The Prophet (SAW) made a powerful dua when he was humiliated and driven out of Ta’if.

Try and follow the Prophet’s (SAW) example in making your dua. The Prophet acknowledges Allah SWT’s Mercy and Power and that He is the only one who can provide and take care of him. He complains to Him of his weakness and how he is feeling. He is human after all and in pain at what he is going through. But then he affirms that He trusts in Allah and asks for His pleasure and satisfaction.

Explain to Allah what you are going through. Affirm what you know of Him. Ask Him to help you.

Do not be disheartened if you do not feel emotionally connected to Allah through prayer and dua (supplication). Allah sees your effort and listens to your dua. He is helping you as you turn to Him, even if it may not feel that way. He is helping you over time, and it may be difficult to see that in the moment. He may help you in unexpected ways; the comfort of family or friends, support from people you would never have expected it from, the opportunity to help others and do good, the increased love of your spouse and/or children. Continue to turn to Him because it is truly only Allah who will help you to bear this test.

Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) as saying that Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, thus stated: I am near to the thought of My servant as he thinks about Me, and I am with him as he remembers Me. And if he remembers Me in his heart, I also remember him in My Heart, and if he remembers Me in assembly I remember him in assembly, better than his (remembrance), and if he draws near Me by the span of a palm, I draw near him by the cubit, and if he draws near Me by the cubit I draw near him by the space (covered by) two hands. And if he walks towards Me, I rush towards him. (Sahih Muslim 2675 a, Book 35, Hadith 6471)